Term | Translation of Term / Title |
obscure (verb) | |
obscure phenomenon
Tib: lkog-gyur A validly knowable phenomenon that cannot be apprehended through the force of personal experience, but can be apprehended through the force of a line of reasoning. |
obsessive prejudiced thoughts
Tib: rnam-rtog |
obstacles, five | |
obstruction | |
obstructive unspecified phenomenon
Tib: bsgribs-pa'i lung ma-bstan Skt: nivrta-avyakrta A phenomenon that Buddha did not specify as being either constructive or destructive, and which hinders the attainment of liberation. |
Tib: len-pa Skt: upadana A set of four disturbing emotions and disturbing attitudes: (1) obtainer desire, (2) an obtainer deluded outlook, (3) holding deluded morality or conduct as supreme, and (4) asserting one's identity, and which, when occurring at the time o ... (more) |
obtainer attitude
A general term coined to refer to the last three "obtainers" that constitute the ninth link of dependent arising: (1) an obtainer deluded outlook, (2) holding deluded morality or conduct as supreme, and (3) asserting one's identity. |
المواقف الداخلية المُكسِبة
مصطلح عام صيغ للإشارة إلي الثلاث "مُكسبِات" الأخيرة ، التي تشكل الرابط التاسع للنشوء الاعتمادي:- (1) المُكسٍب الخاص بالمنظور المُضَلِل. (2) التمسك بالأخلاقيات أو السلوكيات المُضَلِلة كأنها الأسمى. (3) التأكيد على الهوية الذاتية. |
obtainer deluded outlook
Tib: lta-ba nye-bar len-pa A set of three disturbing deluded outlooks on life that constitute the second of the four "obtainers" that constitute the ninth link of dependent arising: (1) a distorted outlook, (2) an extreme outlook, (3) holding a deluded outlook as supreme. |
obtainer desire
Tib: 'dod-pa nye-bar len-pa The mental factor (subsidiary awareness) of longing desire specifically for some desirable sensory object on the plane of sensory desires. See: longing desire. Equivalent to the obtainer emotion, it is the first of the four "obtainers" tha ... (more) |
الرغبة المُكسِبة
العامل الذهني ( الوعي الإضافي) الخاص بالرغبة الجارفة، تحديدا، نحو شيء حسي مرغوب فيه على مستوى الرغبات الحسية. مرادف للشعور المُكسِب، وهو أول المُكسِبات الأربعة لقوى الكارما, المُكسِبات المكوِنة للرابط التاسع للنشوء الاعتمادي. انظر أيضاً: ... (more) |
obtainer emotion
Equivalent to obtainer desire. |
الشعور المُكسِب
مرادف لمصطلح "الرغبة المُكسِبة". |
obtaining aggregates
Tib: nyer-len-gyi phung-po Aggregate factors of a limited being that include the causes that will obtain for that being further samsaric rebirth. |
obtaining cause
Tib: nyer-len-gyi rgyu Skt: upadanahetu The cause from which a result is obtained and which transforms into the result. For example, a seed is the obtaining cause for a sprout, and a network of positive force (a collection of merit) is the obtaining cause for a Corpus of Forms ( ... (more) |
obvious phenomenon
Tib: mngon-gyur A validly knowable phenomenon that can be cognized by valid nonconceptual straightforward cognition. Also defined as a validly knowable phenomenon that be apprehended through the force of personal experience. |
ocean-crashing voice
Tib: chu-gter 'khrog-pa'i skad |
ocean-rolling voice
Tib: chu-gter 'khrog-pa'i skad |
Tib: mchod-pa Something presented, with respect and the intention to bring happiness and benefit, to someone else. |
شيء يُقدَم باحترام وبهدف تحقيق السعادة والمنفعة لشخص آخر. |
offering of the very nature of reality
Tib: de-kho-na-nyid mchod-pa Offering of a nonconceptual cognition of voidness with a blissful awareness or of one's nonconceptual blissful cognition of voidness together with one's appearance as an illusory body. |
offering puja | |
offering ritual
Tib: mchod-pa Skt: puja A tantra ceremony in which specially consecrated offerings are made to honor one's tantric master, inseparable from a Buddha-figure. |
طقوس الوهب
مراسم التانترا التي يتم خلالها تكريس هبات تم تحضيرها خصيصاً لتكريم معلم التانترا الخاص بالواهب، والذي لا تنفصل هيئته عن هيئات بوذا. |
offering, hidden | |
offering, inner | |
offering, outer | |
offering, secret | |
offerings of absorbed concentration
Tib: ting-nge-'dzin-gyi mchod-pa Offerings made of various aspects of one's Dharma practice, visualized in the form of the outer offerings. Also called: offerings of samadhi. |