Term | Translation of Term / Title |
outer mandala
Tib: phyi'i dkyil-'khor A round, flat-bottomed bowl, held bottom side up, with three mounds of grain, placed one atop the other on its surface and contained within progressively smaller concentric metal rings, and crowned with an ornamental diadem. It is used as ... (more) |
outer offerings
Tib: phyi'i mchod-pa Offerings of specially consecrated external objects such as water, flowers, incense, and so on. |
outer preliminaries
Tib: phyi’i sngon-‘gro |
Tib: lta-ba A way of regarding and understanding objects, for instance as "me" and "mine." |
طريقة تناول وفهم الأشياء،علي سبيل المثال، أنا، ملكي. |
outlook of holding deluded morality or conduct as supreme | |
outlook, extreme | |
Tib: 'tshig-pa |
outrageous arrogance
Tib: nga-rgyal-las-kyang nga-rgyal |
Tib: khyab-chen |
overlord condition | |
overlord result | |
overriding result | |
own face
Tib: rang-ngo The manner of existence and good qualities of pure awareness (rig-pa) as can be cognized by reflexive deep awareness. |
Tib: zhi-ba Skt: shanta |
Tib: zhi-byed |
pacifying suffering
Tib: zhi-ba |
Pagmodrupa Kagyu
Tib: Phag-mo gru-pa bKa’-brgyud |
pagoda |
painstaking attention
Tib: bsgrims-du ‘jug-pa’i yid-byed In the process of progressing through the nine stages of shamatha, the first way of taking the object of focus to mind out of four, with which we use great control and force to take the object of focus to mind. |
pair, joined | |
pair, unified | |
Pali | اللغة البالية |
pancasila | |
panchashila |
بانتشا شيلا
خمس عهود تطوعية للأشخاص العاديين من غير الرهبان، ويمثلوا الحد الأدنى من الالتزام بعدم إيذاء الآخرين، تتضمن هذه العهود عدم القتل، السرقة، السلوك الجنسي غير اللائق، الكذب، وتناول المواد المغيبة للعقل. |
paramita | براميتا |