Term | Translation of Term / Title |
reliquary monument | |
Tib: lhag-ma |
remembering kindness
Tib: drin-dran Remembering the kindness of motherly love, remembering all the beneficial things that all beings have shown us when they were our mothers. The second of the six part cause and effect quintessence teaching for developing bodhichitta. |
تذكُر الطيبة
تذكر طيبة الحب الأمومي، تذكر كل الأشياء النافعة التي أظهرتها لنا جميع الكائنات عندما كانوا أمهاتنا لنا. الخطوة الثانية بمتتالية الست أسباب والنتيجة والتي هي جوهر تعاليم تنمية البوديتشيتا. |
Tib: nges-'byung Skt: nihsarana The definite determination to be free of samsara and to gain liberation, and with which one is willing to give up true suffering and true causes. Also translated as "determination to be free." |
(1) العزم القاطع على التحرر من السامسارا واكتساب التحرر، وبهذا العزم يكون الشخص مستعداً للتخلي عن المعاناة الحقيقية، وأسبابها الحقيقية، وتترجم أيضاً العزم على التحرر. (2) في الثيرافادا، العامل الذهني للتخلي عن كل تعلق بالممتلكات الدنيوية، ... (more) |
renunciation, short-lived all-excited | |
repaying kindness
Tib: drin-gso Appreciating the beneficial things that all beings have shown us when they were our mothers and wishing to benefit them in return. The third of the seven part cause and effect quintessence teaching for developing bodhichitta. |
رد الطيبة
تقدير كل الأشياء النافعة التي قامت بها جميع الكائنات عندما كانوا أمهات لنا، وتمنى نفعهم في المقابل. الخطوة الثالثة بمتتالية الست أسباب والنتيجة والتي هي جوهر تعاليم تنمية البوديتشيتا. |
represent | |
representation (1, 2)
(1) Something (for example, a vajra) used to stand for something else (for example, method), but the meaning of which is not obvious and needs explanation. (2) For its usage in cognition theory, see: mental representation. |
representation, mental | |
Tib: skur-'debs A conceptual denial of something that is true or is present. |
repulsion | |
Tib: gsol-'debs |
Tib: khon-'dzin |
Tib: glan-te ‘jog-pa The third one out of the nine stages of settling the mind into a state of shamatha. Here, we are able to recognize as soon as we have lost our mental hold on the object, and we are able to reset or restore our focus immediately. |
Tib: byin-rlabs Skt: adhisthana One of the ten far-reaching attitudes in the Theravada tradition. An attitude of determination with which a bodhisattva never abandons what he or she needs to do in order to benefit others. |
resolve, exceptional | |
resource person | |
respect | |
Tib: dal-ba A temporary rest or a break from a state of no leisure for Dharma practice, such as the worst states of rebirth. Some translators render the term as a "freedom" or a "liberty." |
responsive awareness | |
Tib: thugs-rje The influencing nature of pure awareness (rigpa) - namely, that it responds to others effortlessly and spontaneously with compassionate communication. See: responsive awareness. |
Tib: dor Taking a break when tired, but not out of laziness, in order to refresh ourselves. |
restlessness | |
restoring attention
Tib: chad-cing 'jug-pa'i yid-byed In the process of progressing through the nine stages of shamatha, the second way of taking the object of focus to mind out of four, with which we repeatedly bring our focus back to the object or repair our focus if there is some fault. |
restrain |