Term | Translation of Term / Title |
One of the New Translation traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, deriving from the five masters who were descendants of Kon Konchog-gyelpo. |
أحد تقاليد حقبة الترجمة الجديدة بالبوذية التبتية، مستوحى من المعلمين الخمسة الذين خلفوا كونتشوغ-غيال-بو. |
A follower of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. |
salvation | |
samadhi | |
Sambhogakaya | |
same essential nature
Tib: ngo-bo gcig The relationship between two facts about the same attribute of a phenomenon. In a sense, the two facts are referring to the same phenomenon from two points of view. The two facts may be naturally inseparable, such as the two truths about t ... (more) |
Samkhya | |
Tib: 'khor-ba Skt: samsara Uncontrollably recurring rebirth under the power of disturbing emotions and attitudes and of karma. Some translators render it as "cyclic existence." |
إعادة الميلاد المتكرر غير المتحكم به تحت تأثير المشاعر والمواقف الداخلية المربكة والكارما. بعض المترجمين يقدمون هذا المصطلح على أنه "الوجود الدائري". |
samsara-building | |
Tib: dge-'dun Skt: sangha Four or more people from any of the four groups of the monastic community: full or novice monks or nuns and who have unlabored renunciation and are thus intent on ridding themselves of disturbing emotions and attitudes and thus attaining liberation. |
المعني الحرفي للمصطلح بالسنسكريتية هو "مجتمع"، المعنى الحرفي للترجمة التبتية هو "من عقدوا العزم على هدف بَنَّاء". مجموعة من أربعة أشخاص أو أكثر من أيٍ من فئات المجتمع الرهباني الأربع: الرهبان أو الراهبات كاملو الترسيم أو المبتدئون، المتخلو ... (more) |
Sangha Gem, apparent | |
Sangha Gem, deepest | |
Sangha Gem, nominal | |
Tib: gSar-ma |
Tib: Thams-cad yod-pa smra-ba One of the eighteen divisions of the Hinayana tradition of Buddhism and within which Vaibhashika and Sautrantika are subdivisions. |
Tib: snying-stobs |
Tib: mDo-sde-pa A Hinayana school of Indian Buddhism that asserts the true existence of both reflexive awareness and external phenomena; a subdivision of the Sarvastivada school of Hinayana. One of the four Indian Buddhist tenet systems studied by all tra ... (more) |
Tib: mDo-sde spyod-pa'i dbu-ma rang-rgyud-pa According to Gelug, a subdivision of the Svatantrika Madhyamaka tenet system that does not assert reflexive awareness, but does assert external phenomena as having existence established by their individual defining characteristic marks. |
Say lineage
Tib: Srad-brgyud |
school of Buddhism | مدرسة البوذية |
scope | |
scriptural categories, twelve | |
scriptural pronouncement | |
scriptural teaching
Tib: gsung-rab |
scriptures of interpretable meaning
Tib: drang-don Skt: neyartha |