Term | Translation of Term / Title |
scrutinizing | |
scrutiny | |
sealing partner
Tib: phyag-rgya Skt: mudra |
sealing partner for deep awareness
Tib: ye-shes phyag-rgya Skt: jnanamudra |
sealing partner for physical actions
Tib: las-kyi phyag-rgya Skt: karmamudra |
sealing points for labeling an outlook as being based on enlightening words, four | |
secondary bodhisattva vows | |
secondary tantric vows | |
secret empowerment
Tib: gsang-dbang |
secret mandala
Tib: gsang-ba'i dkyil-'khor The offering of a blissful awareness, or of a nonconceptual blissful awareness of voidness with a clear-light mind. Also called: hidden mandala. |
secret offering | |
secular | علماني |
secular ethic | |
secular ethics | الأخلاق العلمانية |
Tib: sa-bon |
seeing pathway mind
Tib: mthong-lam The level of mind of arya sharavakas, arya pratyekabuddhas, and arya bodhisattvas with which they first attain a joined pair of shamatha and vipashyana focused nonconceptually on voidness -- or, in general, on the sixteen aspects of the fo ... (more) |
self-arising deep awareness
Tib: rang-byung ye-shes In Nyingma, the aspect of pure awareness (rigpa) that automatically arises with awareness of its own two truths or its own threefold nature. Synonymous with reflexive deep awareness. |
self-aware | |
An attitude focused on one's conventional "me" and that distinguishes and knows correctly the mental factors, such as the motivation, disturbing emotions, level of feeling of happiness, and so on, that are presently manifest on one's menta ... (more) |
self-centered |
التمركز حول الذات
كون الشخص معنياً فقط بذاته ورغباته وآرائه الشخصية، ويستخدم هذا المصطلح كمرادف لمصطلح "التمركز حول الأنا". |
self-centered attitude |
الموقف الداخلي الخاص بالتمركز حول الذات
Tib: rang bces-par 'dzin-pa The attitude with which one considers oneself as the most important being and has affection for and takes care of only oneself. |
إيثار الذات
موقف داخلي يعتبر الشخص به نفسه الأهم من بين جميع الكائنات، ولديه عاطفة واهتمام نحو شخصه فقط. |
self-conceit | |
Being so concerned about oneself and what others think of oneself and that one doesn't make any mistakes, that one becomes awkward and cannot act naturally. Often teenagers are like this. They have pimples on their faces and are so self-co ... (more) |
self-consciousness |