Term | Translation of Term / Title |
selfishness | |
selflessness |
انعدام الذاتية
selflessness of a person |
انعدام الذاتية الشخصية
selflessness of all phenomena |
انعدام ذاتية الظواهر
Tib: sems All levels of awareness (levels of mind) that are tainted with the fleeting stains of the emotional and cognitive obscurations. All levels of awareness other than rigpa. Translated as "limited awareness." |
semblance, mental | |
Tib: sems-sde |
semiconscious | شبه واعى |
sensation | |
sense of fitness
Tib: shin-sbyangs The subsidiary awareness (mental factor) of feeling totally fit to do something, and which is both exhilarating and blissful, physically and mentally, but in a nondisturbing way. |
sense of physical and mental fitness | |
sense perception | |
Sense data; forms of physical phenomenon that, in one moment, occupy an extended location and are cognized by one of the five types of sense consciousness; the data or information concerning one moment of the sight, sound, smell, taste, or ... (more) |
sensitivity | |
sensitivity imbalance | |
sensitivity training | |
sensor | |
sensorial level | المستوى الحسي |
sentient being |
كائن واعي
Tib: zhi-ba |
serenely stilled and settled state of mind |
السكون الهادئ والثبات الذهني
serviceability retreat
Tib: las-rung An intensive tantric meditation practice, done over many meditation sessions, during which one performs the sadhana and recites the mantra of a Buddha-figure ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or many hundreds of thousands of times, depen ... (more) |
set theory
Tib: bsdus-grva Skt: dura Set theory has to do with the logical pervasions between two or more sets -- mutually exclusive, totally congruent, overlapping, etc. A set is a collection or a group of many items, like the set of all nonstatic phenomena. |
setting the mind
Tib: sems ‘jog-pa The first one out of the nine stages of settling the mind into a state of shamatha. Setting the mind on the object of focus. At this stage, we are merely able to set or place our attention on the object of focus, but are unable to maintain it. |
setting with some continuity
Tib: rgyun-du ‘jog-pa The second one out of the nine stages of settling the mind into a state of shamatha. Here, we are able to maintain our mental hold on the object with some continuity, but only for a short time before losing it. It takes some time before we ... (more) |