Term | Translation of Term / Title |
static | الثبات |
static abstraction | |
static phenomenon
Tib: rtag-pa Skt: nitya Phenomena that are unaffected by causes and circumstances and, consequently, do not change from moment to moment and do not produce any effects. Somewhat similar to unchanging facts, they are imputed about some validly knowable phenomenon ... (more) |
ظاهرة ثابتة
الظاهرة غير المتأثرة بأسباب وظروف، وبالتالي، لا تتغير من لحظة لأخرى ولا تنتج أثار. مشابه لحد ما للحقائق غير المتغيرة، يتم إيعازهم على ظاهرة يتم معرفتها بشكل صالح، توجد تكل الظاهرة ويمكن معرفتها بشكل صالحة طالما دام أساسها التي توعز عليه. أ ... (more) |
Tib: rtag-pa Skt: nitya The noncongruent affecting variable of not changing from moment to moment. Sometimes translated as "permanence." |
المتغير المؤثر غير المتطابق الخاص لعدم التغيير من لحظة للحظة، أحيانا يترجم إلى "الدوام". |
Tib: brtan Steadfastness or self-confidence comes from examining if we are capable of achieving the goal and, being convinced that we are, applying ourselves steadily, even though progress goes up and down. |
sticky attachment
Tib: chags-pa Skt: sneha The disturbing emotion that exaggerates the good qualities of an object that one possesses, that clings to it like glue, and does not wish to let go. |
التعلق الحاد
المشاعر المربكة التي تُضخم الخصال الحسنة لشيء يمتلكه الشخص والتشبث به كما الغراء وعدم الرغبة في التخلي عنه. |
stilled and settled state of mind
Tib: zhi-gnas Skt: shamatha A state of mind, attained through meditation, in which the mind is stilled of all mental flightiness and mental dullness, is settled down on an object and remains there, and is accompanied by an exhilarating sense of fitness. Also called a ... (more) |
السكون والثبات الذهني
حالة ذهنية تتحقق من خلال التأمل، يكون فيها الذهن في حالة سكون الخالي من كافة أشكال الشرود والرتابة الذهنية، وفي هذه الحالة يستقر الذهن على موضوع أو شيء بعينه ويثبُت عليه، وتكون تلك الحالة الذهنية مصحوبة بشعور مبهج باللياقة ويطلق عليها أيضا ... (more) |
Tib: zhi-bar byed-pa The sixth one out of the nine stages of settling the mind into a state of shamatha. Here, although there is no longer great danger of subtle mental dullness, nevertheless in uplifting the mind, we became too excited and the mental hold bec ... (more) |
stimulating others' good qualities
Tib: rgyas-pa Also translated as "increase." |
stimulators of cognition
Tib: skye-mched Skt: ayatana The focal conditions and dominating conditions that give rise to the six types of cognition -- namely, the cognitive objects and cognitive sensors of each of the six cognitive faculties. In the case of the five sensory faculties, the objec ... (more) |
stimulators of cognition, link of | |
stimulators of cognition, twelve | |
Tib: 'gog-pa Skt: nirodha The total elimination of something such that it never recurs. |
stopping, true | |
storehouse consciousness | |
straightforward cognition
Tib: mngon-sum Skt: pratyaksha In the Gelug Prasangika system, cognition of an object, which occurs without relying on a line of reasoning in the moment immediately prior to it. Straightforward cognition may be either conceptual or nonconceptual. |
stream of continuity
Tib: rgyun A succession of moments of something. |
Tib: rgyun-zhugs |
strength | |
strengthen | |
Tib: stobs Skt: bala The special discriminating awareness employed for expanding one's discriminating awareness and not letting it be crushed by countering factors, such as attachment to anything. One of the ten Mahayana far-reaching attitudes (ten perfections). |
الوعي التمييزي الخاص الذي يُستخدم لزيادة مد الوعي التمييزي وعدم تعطُلُه بسبب العوامل المضادة له كالتعلق بأي شيء. أحد المواقف الداخلية للماهايانا بعيدة المنال (الاكتمالات العشرة). |
stretch the point | |
strong producer
Tib: rab-skyes Skt: prabhava |
student-teacher-relationship | |
Tib: mchod-rten Skt: stupa A monument within which are kept the relics of a great Buddhist master. Translated as a reliquary monument. |
نُصب تذكاري تحفظ فيه رُفات أحد معلمي البوذية العِظام . يُترجم إلى "مكان مقدّس يضمّ رفات النُصب". |