Term | Translation of Term / Title |
clay votive tablets
Tib: tsa-tsa |
cleansing of attitudes |
تنقية المواقف الداخلية
تدرب روحاني ينقي فيه المتدرب ذهنه من المواقف الداخلية المزعجة ويتدرب على استبدالهم بمواقف داخلية بَنَّاءة. يطلق عليه أيضًا: "تدريب الذهن"، "تدريب الموقف الداخلي"، "لوجونغ". |
clear light | |
clear light absorption on voidness
Total absorption, with clear light awareness, on voidness (emptiness). |
clear light awareness
Tib: 'od-gsal The subtlest level of mental activity (mind), which continues with no beginning and no end, without any break, even during death and even into Buddhahood. It is individual and constitutes the mental continuum of each being. It is naturally ... (more) |
الوعى النقى الصافى
المستوى الأكثر عمقاً من النشاط الذهني (الذهن)، والمستمر بدون بداية ولا نهاية، وبدون توقف حتى أثناء الموت، والاستنارة. هو نشاط ذهني فردي ويُشكِل "الاستمرارية الذهنية" لكل كائن. هذا المستوى بطبيعته خالي من كل أشكال الإدراك النظري وخلق مظهر ا ... (more) |
clear light blissful awareness of voidness | |
clear light mental activity | النشاط الذهني الصافي النقي |
clear light mind | الذهن الصاف النقى |
clear light mind, actual | |
clear light mind, model | |
clear light, cognitive | |
clear light, object | |
clear light, subject | |
clear-minded | |
clear-minded and fully evolved
Tib: sangs-rgyas Skt: buddha |
clearheaded belief in a fact
Tib: dvang-ba'i dad-pa A constructive emotion that is clear about a fact and, like a water purifier, clears the mind of disturbing emotions and attitudes about the object. |
clearheadedly believing a fact to be true
Tib: dangs-ba'i dad-pa |
cleaver | |
clinging to negative or trivial activities or things
Tib: bya-ba ngan-zhen In the context of achieving shamatha, clinging to negative or trivial activities or things, such as gambling, drinking, friends who are bad influences on us, going to parties, and so on. |
close bond | |
close placement of mindfulness | |
close placements of mindfulness, four | |
closed-minded ignorance | |
A mental factor of being naive about cause and effect or about reality, and being stubbornly closed to any suggestions from someone else. Sometimes used as a translation for "gti-mug, moha,naivety." See: naivety. |
closely bonding practice |