Term | Translation of Term / Title |
conceive / conceive of something | |
Tib: ting-nge-'dzin Skt: samadhi The mental factor that keeps the mental activity focused and abiding with continuity on an object. It may vary in intensity from weak to strong. |
العامل الذهني الذي يُبقي الأنشطة الذهنية مُتركزة ومستقرة على استمرارية الشيء. قد تتنوع من حيث الحدة بين الشديد والضعيف. |
concentration, absorbed | |
Tib: rtog-pa A general term for a universal, a category, or a mental label. A concept of something need not be verbal. For example, one has a concept of what a pretty face looks like, what one's mother looks like, what a good soup tastes like, what a p ... (more) |
Tib: skye-ba (1) The moment when the consciousness of a bardo being enters its next rebirth. In the case of rebirth as a human or an animal, the moment in which it enters the sperm and egg of its next parents. (2) See: concept. |
conception existence
Tib: skye-srid The period of time in the mental continuum of an individual limited being during which they experience conception. It lasts only one moment. Some translators render the term as "birth existence." |
conception, link of | |
Tib: rtog-bcas Together with a concept. |
conceptual category
Tib: spyi (1) A general term for both audio categories and meaning/object categories. Some translators render the term as "universal" or "generality." (2) A set to which individual items sharing a common defining characteristic belong. It is mental ... (more) |
conceptual cognition
Tib: rtog-pa The cognition of an object through the medium of a metaphysical entity, namely a universal, a category, or a mental label. Conceptual cognition imputes (mentally labels) a metaphysical entity on the object that the mental aspect it assumes ... (more) |
الإدراك النظري
إدراك الشيئ من خلال أداة ذات كينونة نظرية مثل المسلمات المنطقية، التصنيف، أو العنونه الذهنية. يقوم الإدراك النظري بإيعاز (يعنون ذهنيًا) تلك الكينونة النظرية على الشيئ الذي يتم إدراكة. بشكل أكثر تحديداً، الإدراك النظري يُنشئ جانبًا ذهنيًا ( ... (more) |
conceptual framework | الإطار النظري |
conceptual isolates | |
conceptual representation
Tib: snang-ba The static conceptually isolated items that are the type of "nothing-other-than" that arises in conceptual cognition. (1) According to Gelug, they represent the actual involved object of the conceptual cognition, for instance of a table, a ... (more) |
conceptual thinking
Tib: rnam-rtog |
conceptual thought |
فكرة نظرية
The process whereby one cognizes objects conceptually. |
conceptualize | |
conceptualized object
Tib: zhen-yul The object about which a conceptual cognition gives rise to a universal, a category, or a mental label through which to think of it. Literally, the object on which a concept clings. Also called: implied object or conceptually implied object. |
conceptually cling
Tib: zhen-pa In the context of a conceptual cognition, a category's implying an actual object that corresponds to it, as if the category were attached to that "conceptually implied object." Also translated as "conceptually imply." |
conceptually implied object | |
conceptually implied object being signified
Tib: zhen-pa’i brjod-bya |
conceptually imply | |
conceptually isolated item
Tib: ldog-pa The type of "nothing-other-than" that arises in conceptual cognition and which represents the actual involved objects of the conceptual cognition. They are static phenomena, equivalent to conceptual representations. (1) According to Gelug, ... (more) |
conceptually isolated meaning
Tib: don-ldog In Gelug, equivalent to the defining characteristic mark of a validly knowable phenomenon, which can only be distinguished in terms of a conceptually isolated item. |
concern |