Term | Translation of Term / Title |
Tib: tshul-bcas |
concordant conventional truth
Tib: tshul-bzhin kun-rdzob bden-pa |
concordant with the manner things actually exist | |
Solid, like cement -- a nontechnical term used to describe something with truly established findable existence. |
concrete "me"
A nontechnical term for a truly existent "me," which would be the "me" to be refuted. See: solid "me." |
concretely real
A nontechnical term for an impossible way of existing -- things existing solidly, like cement -- when it is considered to be what and how things actually exist. |
Tib: rkyen Skt: pratyaya A nonstatic phenomenon that helps shape the conventional identity of something that is produced or arises from causes. |
condition, causal | |
condition, dominating | |
condition, focal | |
condition, immediately preceding | |
condition, objective | |
condition, overlord | |
conditioned phenomenon | |
confession Buddhas | |
confidence | |
confident belief
Tib: yid-ches-kyi dad-pa |
confident trust | |
confusing | |
A nontechnical term used in place of unawareness (ignorance) to simplify a discussion of the topic, but without any connotation of disorganization, disorientation, or dementia. |
مصطلح غير فنى يستخدم كمرادف لعدم الوعي (الجهل) من أجل تبسيط لغة النقاش لاحد الموضوعات دون أن يحمل معنى سوء التنظيم او فقدان الإتجاة او اختلال التفكير. |
confusion, associated with | |
confusion, deceptive | |
confusion, dissociated from | |
Tib: mtshungs-ldan The relationship between ways of being aware of something in the same cognition, in which two or more of these ways share five things in common. Compare: congruent affecting variables. |
congruent affecting variable
Tib: ldan-pa'i 'du-byed Ways of being aware of something that share five things in common with the primary consciousness and subsidiary awarenesses of the cognition in which they occur. See: five congruent features. |