Term | Translation of Term / Title |
instructions, personal | |
instructor, Dharma | |
Tib: blo The mental activity that gives rise to conceptual cognition -- most commonly, to verbal conceptual thought. |
intellectual | عقلي |
intellectual approach | مدخل عقلي |
intellectual person | شخص عقلاني |
intellectually derived
Tib: blos-byas Descriptive of meditation with verbal thoughts based on conceptual schemes. |
Tib: blo-gros The ability to discriminate between what is correct and what is incorrect, and between what is helpful and what is harmful. |
The subsidiary awareness (mental factor) to obtain any object, to achieve any goal, or to do something with the object or goal once obtained or achieved, but based on prior deliberation and thus a stronger mental factor than intention . |
Tib: 'dun-pa The subsidiary awareness (mental factor) to obtain any object, to achieve any goal, or to do something with the object or goal once obtained or achieved. |
intentions to experience desirable objects
Tib: 'dod-la 'dun-pa |
interaction | |
interdependent | الاعتمادية التبادلية |
interdependent origination | النشوء الاعتمادي |
intermediate eon | |
intermediate scope | |
intermittent | |
intermittently ripening karmic aftermath | |
Tib: sgro-'dogs The projection or superimposition, onto an object, of a quality or a conventional or ultimate identity that it doesn't have. For instance, to superimpose true existence onto the conventionally existent "me." Literally, the term means "sti ... (more) |
interpretable teaching
Tib: drang-don Skt: neyartha A passage in a sutra text that discusses any topic other than the most profound view of voidness, and which leads one on or points the way to the most profound view of voidness. Such passages require explanation, so that one does not conf ... (more) |
intrinsic | |
intrinsically | |
invalid cognition
Tib: tshad-min (1) According to Gelug Sautrantika, Gelug Chittamatra, and Gelug Svatantrika-Madhyamaka, a cognition that is not fresh, or one that is fallacious, or one that is both not fresh and fallacious. (2) According to Gelug Prasangika and all tene ... (more) |
إدراك خاطئ
(1) وفقًا للغيلوك سوترانتيكا، غيلوك تشيتاماترا، وغيلوك سفاتانتريكا مدياميكا، إدراك غير حديث، أو الذي ينطوي على مغالطة، أو كليهما. (2) وفقًا للغيلوك براساغيكا وكل المدارس الأخرى غير الغيلوك، الإدراك الذي ينطوي على مغالطة. |
invalid phenomenon
Tib: mi-srid-pa A phenomenon that cannot be validly known now. It may be either an existent phenomenon (such as a no-longer happening or a not-yet-happening one) or a nonexistent phenomenon. |
investigation |