Term | Translation of Term / Title |
Dharma instructor
A teacher, either lay or monastic, Western or Asian, who explains the Buddhist teachings from his or her own experiential insight and understanding. |
Dharma Wheel Containing Fine Divisions | |
Dharma, "real thing" | |
Dharma, undeviating | |
Dharma, unmistaken | |
Dharma-center | |
A version of the Buddhist teachings without the presentation of past and futures lives and in which the motivating aim is usually just to improve one's samsaric existence of this life. |
نسخة من تعاليم بوذا بدون المقدمة الخاصة بالحيوات السابقة واللاحقة، والتي عادة ما يكون الهدف الدافع منها هو تحسين الوجود الخاص بالفرد في السامسارا. |
Tib: chos-skyong Skt: dharmapala A class of forceful beings, tamed by Buddha or a spiritual lineage master such as Guru Rinpoche, and made to take an oath to protect the Dharma and its practitioners. They may be either ordinary worldly beings (non-aryas) or highly realize ... (more) |
Dharmakaya | |
dhikr | |
dhimmi | |
Dhyani Buddhas | |
Tib: dngos-'gal Two mutually exclusive sets form a dichotomy if all existent phenomena must be a member of either one or the other mutually exclusive set. |
direct cause
Tib: dngos-rgyu The phenomenon that actually produces its result, without need for any intermediary -- for example, a visible object is the direct cause for the seeing of it. |
direct cognition
Tib: dngos-su shes-pa According to the non-Gelug presentation, the type of cognition that a present moment of sensory consciousness has of the present moment of a mental aspect (mental hologram) of the immediately preceding moment of an external sense object. C ... (more) |
direction, safe | |
directional protectors
Tib: phyogs-skyong |
directly cognize
Tib: dngos-su rig-pa |
disbelieving a fact
Tib: ma-dad-pa |
discerning analysis | |
discerning meditation
Tib: dpyad-sgom A method for habituating oneself to an insight, understanding, or state of mind, with which one focuses on an object and generates the desired insight, understanding, or state of mind about it, through using the mental factors of gross det ... (more) |
التامل عميق الفهم
طريقة يعتاد بها الشخص على بصيرة ، فهم، أو حالة ذهنية ما، والتي بها يقوم الشخص بالتركيز على شيء ما ليولد تلك البصيرة أو الفهم أو الحالة الذهنية المرغوبين تجاه الشيء محل التأمل باستخدام العوامل الذهنية للتحري العام (التحقق) و كذلك الأعمق لل ... (more) |
discernment | |
discernment, subtle | |
discipline | |
discipline, ethical |